This is an interesting video editing software that brings along 24 preset templates to create videos. A powerful media library to choose from.Filmora – Best for creating Video Collages Do you love working with templates and stock content? Do you want to avoid copyright claims on YouTube? Go ahead and use PowerDirector for free, but you can upgrade and use millions of stock media. This software resembles Adobe Premiere pro except, it’s easier to use and does not use a lot of memory. The software supports multiple layers and the option to reverse their arrangement which is useful in case you are creating a multiple-clip video.It is trusted by several YouTube content creators thanks to its numerous features including picture-in-picture design, fastest rendering speed, multiple tutorial videos and a whole lot more.

PowerDirector is the simplest professional video editor you can find on the entire internet.3D Video editing, stock videos, photos, and audio from several sources, and compatibility with other Cyberlink software.PowerDirector – Best Video Editing Software For Beginners